MythStream Parsers

1. Parser interface


Three parameters are passed to the parser:
  1. The name of the file containing content fetched by the harvester. Note that the harvester doesn't fetch any data when the parser name in the handler field is prefixed with an asterisk (*parsername)
  2. The stream item url, passed between double quotes. These quotes must be removed in the parser. Note that if the parser uses the url to fetch content, the harvester fetch step can be skipped. If this is the case, use the *-prefix in the handler field.
  3. The stream name, passed between double quotes. These quotes should be removed in the parser.


The MythStream harvester expects the following xml output from the parser:

		<name>stream name</name>
		<url>stream url with optional name::value pairs</url>
		<descr>stream description</descr> 
		<handler>handling hint or parser script name</handler>
			<content>the meta data</content>
The "descr", "handler" and "meta" nodes are optional.

The handler field tells MythStream how to handle the url in the stream item. Values:
Use FUZZY_DL for media files with dynamic url's (e.g. containing a session specific query part). Note: stream item names should be unique. Once a stream item with a certain name is used to perform a download, other stream items with the same name are matched to the previously downloaded file. This file will play when the stream item is selected.

Use STREAM_DL for non-dynamic stream url's. Note 1: when used with dynamic url's the match between stream item and downloaded file breaks when a new session is started. If a user revisits such a stream item and selects it a new download will start. Note 2: if the match between stream item and download is broken, the download can still be accessed in the "downloads" folder.

If not sure, use FUZZY_DL and see if that works ok.

The viewer field of the meta node can contain the special values:

The url field supports one or more <:name::value:> tags. These tags bring up a popup window allowing the user to edit the value (with virtual keyboard if desired). The last entered value is stored in the stream storage. This can be used to generate dynamic queries, or ask for a result set number (often stream index sites return searches in multiple pages). Example from the demo database:<:search term::funny:>/<:page::1:>

2. Debugging

When a parser fails to deliver stream items the message “no url's found” is shown in the message field (below status and time labels in MythStream). When a parser returns data in an incorrect format the message "parser problem please check on commandline" is shown.

The harvester stores fetched data in the file list.xml in the parser directory. If a parser fails, this file can be used to test the parser on the command line:

cd ~./mythtv/mythstream/parsers
perl pathto/ list.xml

3. Example parser

#! /usr/bin/perl

use English;
use XML::Simple;
use XML::DOM;

$xml = new XML::Simple;

my $doc = XML::DOM::Document->new;
my $head = $doc->createXMLDecl ('1.0');
my $root = $doc->createElement('items');

sub newNode
  local $name  = shift;
  local $value = shift;
  local $node = $doc->createElement($name);
  local $text = $doc->createTextNode($value);
  return $node;

# Init and Run

&read_parse();    # get commandline parameters into @in
$source = $in[0]; # source filename from command line

eval { $data = $xml->XMLin($source); };

foreach my $entry (@{$data->{item}})
  $temp = $entry->{enclosure};
  if ($entry->{link} ne "")
    $item = $doc->createElement('item');
    $item->appendChild( newNode('name', $entry->{title}) );
    $item->appendChild( newNode('url', $entry->{link}) );
    $item->appendChild( newNode('descr', $entry->{description}) );
    $item->appendChild( newNode('handler', 'STREAM_DL') );

print $head->toString;
print $root->toString;
print "\n";

# get command line parameters

sub read_parse {
  local (*in) = @_ if @_;
  local ($i);
  push(@in, @ARGV);
  foreach $i (0 .. $#in) { $in[$i] =~ s/\+/ /g;}
  return scalar(@in);