Welcome to my 2CV site.
I'm Marcel Duijnisveld and living in Naaldwijk (Holland).
I'm the proud owner of a beautiful red 2CV6 Club.
When you are looking for a 2CV (or parts), or you want to sell a 2CV, go to the 2CV Market.
Have Fun !!!
And don't forget: Wherever you go, go Deux Chevaux.
Or meet me at ICQ 4921683
This page is devoted to the Citroën 2CV and dedicated to all those 2CV freaks in the world.
I hope this page will be usefull to you and that you will enjoy it.
On my 2CV Links section are more than 250 2CV links, so there's enough to do.
When you need a specialized 2CV garage, you can find a good one on my Addresses page.
The picture Gallery contains pictures of 2CV owners from all over the world, and pictures of special occasions, like the "12th Worldmeeting of 2CV friends" in Eendendam
('97 in Maurik, Holland) and the "50th Anniversary of the 2CV" in Paris.
The best 2CV meetings that you can't afford to miss are on the 2CV Meetings page, including information about the forthcoming Worldmeeting in Greece.
The Citroën V8 page tells the bizarre story of Marco Klaassen from Voorburg (Holland).
He has transformed his 2CV ('62) into a Citroën V8. The motor is an Oldsmobile (5.7 lt.) which gives 250 pk's.
If you want to "hop" from 2CV page to 2CV page, try the 2CV Web Tour. This 2CV ring contains about 60 pages, so take some time and try it.
If you want to leave any comment, you can use the Guestbook